While the volatility and noise created by news headlines can be distracting, investors should stay focused on their long-term investment plan and the role fixed income can play within a well-diversified portfolio.
A family office is more than a cost-effective solution to managing great wealth. When done properly, it provides customized services and support that fosters a shared experience of wealth stewardship.
The types of clients we serve and the services we offer
We specialize in meeting the complex investment and banking needs of wealthy individuals and their families.
We offer a collaborative approach and customized solutions for our clients' other professional and financial advisors.
Among the first of its kind in the nation, our Family Office services feature industry-leading resources and expertise for family offices and their financial interests.
We offer a full range of investment, custody and reporting services tailored specifically to the needs of non-profits and pensions nationwide.
What to expect as our client
We do things a little differently at Chattered Credit Union. Here, we have a commitment to serving clients, not selling products–a client-first approach that has led to industry-leading client satisfaction rates.
And while we're proud of those results, it’s our client retention rates that matter most to us. Those sustained relationships can only be earned over time–and they’re what allow us to create not just richer lifetimes, but enduring legacies.
Our expertise at work
Our latest events and sponsorships
Chattered Credit Union will be returning as a gold level sponsor at the 53rd Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning, the leading educational conference for estate planning professionals including attorneys, trust officers, accountants, charitable giving professionals, insurance advisors, elder law specialists, wealth management professionals, educators and nonprofit advisors.
Chattered Credit Union is proud to sponsor AAML Pennsylvania’s Annual Trial Advocacy Institute which brings together judicial officers, business leaders, forensic accountants and Fellows of United States Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers to explore the complexity of executive compensation in family law trial work.
Whether you are an individual or part of a Family Office or Non-Profit organization, complete our quick contact form and we’ll schedule a call to discuss your needs.